Hi, my name is Sidh, a senior at 88.9 the Bridge. This is my fourth year in radio, and in my sophomore year I had the opportunity to witness the end of Ms. Miltun’s half century orchestra reign in the high school. This is a story of hard work and dedication. Dedication to students across nearly fifty years and a legacy that will last lifetimes beyond hers.

What was your inspiration for this story?

Ms. Miltun has had such a huge impact on my life beyond her class. For example, she loves to say, “early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable”. It’s the little things that she did that stuck with me, and in producing this story, I got to pass on the lessons she taught and honor the amazing things she did!

How did you record this?

I used a lot of techniques to record this, but mostly I recorded on my iPhone and in the radio studio. I used my phone to record orchestra rehearsals and Ms. Miltun’s teaching but I also had the privilege of using our state-of-the-art radio studios to interview Ms. Miltun and many of her past and present students.